Общецерковная аспирантура и докторантура
им. святых равноапостольных Кирилла и Мефодия

Rules for writing articles
Rules for writing articles
Приблизительное время чтения: 5 мин.

«Aspiratio» Author Guidelines:

Before publication, all articles undergo mandatory double-blind peer review, in which the reviewer does not know the author’s name, and the author is not informed of the reviewer's name.

•        Average volume of articles to be accepted should be: for author's articles – 40 thousand characters with spaces; for reviews: 20 thousand characters with spaces. Exceptions are possible in justified cases.

•        Times New Roman font, the type size of the text is 12, single-spaced.

•        Text structure:

–       Author’s full name

–       Title (subtitle possible)

–       Information about the author, including full name, affiliation including full address of the work or study place, e-mail address (Russ.+Eng.)

–       Abstract, 150 to 250 words (Russ.+Eng.)

–       Keywords, up to15 words and/or phrases (Russ.+Eng.)

–       The text of the article, divided into introduction, paragraphs and conclusion/summary, List of sources and literature (with English translation of Russian-language non-Roman titles)

–       Russian-language sources in footnotes are drawn up according to the RSCI standard (GOST standard 7.05.2008, http://elibrary.ru/projects/events/conf_vak_rinc/icons/Regl.pdf - P. 34; Appendix 3, P. 52–53; see the sample below), sources in other languages are drawn up according to the Chicago Manual (https://hugoribeiro.com.br/biblioteca-digital/Chicago-Manual-Style.pdf ; see the sample below).


Footnotes are paginated with end-to-end numbering.

Examples of footnotes in Russian:

Кривовичев С. В. Наука верующих или вера учёных: век XX. М.: Алгоритм, 2015. С. 6.

Book, the author of which is ordained:
Лушников Д., священник. Основное богословие в Санкт-Петербургской духовной академии cинодального периода. Санкт-Петербург: Санкт-Петербургская православная духовная академия, 2023. С. 35.

A book with several authors:
Покорны П., Геккель У. Введение в Новый Завет. Обзор литературы и богословия Нового Завета. М.: Издательство ББИ, 2019. С. xv.

An article from a journal:
Доронин Д. Ю. Огонь, потоп и война с Востока: культурный трансфер в современных эсхатологических представлениях на Алтае // Studia Litterarum. 2018. Т. 3. № 3. С. 279.

An article from a journal with several authors:
Брук С. И., Чебоксаров Н. Н., Чеснов Я. В. Проблемы этнического развития стран зарубежной Азии // Вопросы истории. 1969. № 1. С. 90.

An article from a collection of articles (a book chapter):
Кобищанов Ю. М. Сообщения средневековых эфиопских источников о христианской Нубии // Палестинский сборник: Вып. 7 (70). М., Л.: Издательство Академии наук СССР, 1962. С. 37.

Material from the Internet:
Остапкович В. Названо число шаманов в России // РИА Новости. 16.08.2021. [https://ria-ru.turbopages.org/turbo/ria.ru/s/20210816/shamany-1745894346.html, доступ от 04.03.2023].

If the source is quoted repeatedly:
Кривовичев С. В. Наука верующих или вера учёных... С. 6.
Доронин Д. Ю. Огонь, потоп и война с Востока... С. 278.

If the same source is quoted in a row:
Там же. С. 17.

Examples of footnotes in foreign languages:

Ross K. R., Mission Rediscovered: Transforming Disciples. A Commentary on the Arusha Call to Discipleship (Geneva: WCC Publications & Globethics.net, 2020), 77.

An article from a journal:
Raiu C., “Confronting Religion from a Post-Political Perspective. Health Policies during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Romania”, Teologia, № 3 (2022): 66.

An article from a collection of articles (a book chapter):
Stoyanov Y., “The Earth Diver and the Devil” in The Other God : Dualist Religions from Antiquity to the Cathar Heresy (New Heaven: Yale University Press, 2000), 133.

Material from the Internet:
Comisel E. “Romanian Music,” The Canadian Encyclopedia, February 7, 2006, https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/rumania-emc.

If the source is quoted repeatedly:
Ross, Mission Rediscovered: Transforming Disciples…, 83.
Stoyanov, “The Earth Diver and the Devil”, 137.

Raiu, “Confronting Religion …”, 66.

If the same source is quoted in a row:
Ibid., p. 4.

The list of sources and literature for materials in all languages is drawn up uniformly (for Russian-language sources, the name is translated into English and given in parentheses):


Bielawski, M. The Philokalical Vision of the World in the Theology of Dumitru Stăniloae. Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo Homini, 1997. 231 p.

A book, the author of which is ordained: 
Лушников Д., священник. Основное богословие в Санкт-Петербургской духовной академии cинодального периода. (Lushnikov D. Basic Theology at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy of the Synodal period). Санкт-Петербург: Санкт-Петербургская православная духовная академия, 2023. 324 с. (Теология: история и современность).

An article from a journal:

Доронин Д. Ю. “Огонь, потоп и война с Востока: культурный трансфер в современных эсхатологических представлениях на Алтае”. (Doronin D. Fire, flood and war from the East: cultural transfer in Altaic modern eschatology). Studia Litterarum. Т. 3. № 3. (2018): 278–303.

An article from a collection of articles (a book chapter): 
Stoyanov Y. “The Earth Diver and the Devil”. In The Other God : Dualist Religions from Antiquity to the Cathar Heresy, 131–139. New Heaven: Yale University Press, 2000.

Material from the Internet:
Остапкович В. П. “Названо число шаманов в России.” (The Number of Shamans in Russia is Named). РИА Новости. August 16, 2021. https://ria-ru.turbopages.org/turbo/ria.ru/s/20210816/shamany-1745894346.html. [Accessed August 15, 2022].

The editorial board accepts for consideration prepared manuscripts at ocad.aspiratio@patriarchia.ru